Wednesday, 22 February 2012

It's everything

Couldn't post for some time, as I was tied up with exams, but now that they are nearly finished, I am back to do my favorite blogging...!

As I think more and more about non-verbal skills, the more ideas that come streaming in...
  • For instance one of your colleagues says, she is able to do the work you assigned  her, but misses two deadlines, what would that mean to you?
  • Your friend says he is not angry but slams the door while going out?
  • A fellow student says she is not nervous about the presentation,, but her brow is furrowed and she perspires profusely?
What do you think about the above situations..?
Do you think they were speaking the truth..?
The truth is that, they were not.  Because body language never lies.
When we say one thing in words spoken, and give out a contradictory non-verbal message, others invariably believe the non-verbal message.

Image 12
Non-verbal messages are more than a moment's actions and body communication.  In fact it is the way we live, what we do, what we possess, what we like, whom we like and so on and is everything about our lives.  It is the way about us...
So do you see now, that through your non-verbal messages you have created an impression of yourself, in the minds of others?
Do you like the impression you created?  Or do you want to change it?

Referred from:
                 Guffey, M.E & Rhodes, K. & Rogin, P. (2011) Business Communication:
                Process Product (6th edition) Toronto, ON: Nelson


  1. Let me see! Well, if the person missed 2 deadlines then maybe she thought she could handle the work. Or, maybe she needs some help but didn't know how to ask. You see what is happening here. I am assuming and sometimes this is what happens with none verbal communication. Hey, this might make a good you know what!!! Hint! Hint!

  2. Thanks for your comment. It could be another dimension to the situation.
